Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lake Tahoe and Kaylie's Birthday

On Monday the 9th we left for lake Tahoe for my brother Cody's 18th birthday. My Mom,Cody,Jeff (cody's friend), Vickie,5 of her kids, Us and Nick ( adam's little brother) all went. It was SO fun! My parents have time shares through Windham Resorts so we got 2 condos that had 3 bedrooms each, they were wonderful! The big boys snow boarded Tuesday morning and then we took the little boys up that afternoon.
It was so beautiful and peaceful down there and the people at the safeway market there were SO nice. I have never been treated so nice at any store as we were there.
On Wednesday Vickie was sick so mom took the little boys back up to snow board and I stayed and cleaned up and then Adam, Nick, Cody, Jeff, Tyler and I went to Sacramento Cal. We went to old town Sacramento, it was fun but we got there later in the afternoon and stores were starting to close but I have now been to California! Woot Woot =) Kayli loved going on "macation" in fact she wants to go on another one lol.

On Saturday the 14th we had a birthday party for Kaylie and Aimee(one of my best friends). Aimee made Kaylie a lady bug cake, it was so cute, she is so creative ;) Then on Monday the 16th We went to the Living Planet Aquarium With Matt, Aimee, Andrew and Zoe and Vickie, Tyler, Jordan, Jeffrey , Alyson, Jalie, J.T and Christy. We had a great time, the kids LOVED it. Then we went and got Kaylie's ears pirced for her birthday, she was so good she never flinched , whimpered or cried I was so proud of her.

I will get pictures posted soon I hope

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Shopping with Kaylie

Yesterday Kaylie and I went shopping for new clothes for her, and that girl is NOT a shopper, after we bought her new church dresses she was done ( it was the first store we went to) so I asked her if she wanted new shoes to go with her dresses, that got her interested for a bit longer then after we got her shoes she was done. I had to keep asking her if she wanted more things just to get her in to stores so we could get her outfitted for awhile ( she was grown out of 90% of her clothes)
Tomorrow is Bo's shopping day and Louis gets to go on Tuesday.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

From Wyoming

Well we are in Wyoming, we have been here since Wednesday the 12th. Hadley is sick and teething again but this time it is 5x's worse =( He won't nurse, so as you can guess I am sore and I forgot my pump at home, lucky there are some girls here who have little ones so I borrowed a pump from one of them and it was a life saver. He is going on 24 hrs of not nursing, all he wants to do is bite. Yesterday I was trying to nurse him and he was biting me, I had had enough and I popped his mouth. I feel like a horrible mom now.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My poor baby

Well I am not getting mother of the year award. Today I was feeding Hadley while he was sitting on the couch with me and I turned to look at the T.V. and he jumped off the couch hit the end table cut his lip =( I feel so horrible.

On a positive note we have a tooth!! I discovered it on Tuesday when we were at Matt and Aimee's. So that 2 months of pain and agony for both of us paid off.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

It has been awhile since I have posted so I decided to update my blog.
We made it to the New Year!! yay. The kids are all growing like crazy!
In December our furnace motor died, we looked at replacing it and the cost was between $100 to $300, we didn't have that at the time so we bought electric heaters and ran them for awhile then my dad and I discovered that the motor just needed cleaned out so my brother Cody and I took it apart and cleaned it and now it runs like a dream.
We are still having power issues though, that'll be fun to figure out =/ I think they are a by product of the broken pipe we had last February.
On a happier note we all are healthy and alive!

HADLEY~ He is scooting around and moving like crazy,He really wants to stand. He is eating big people food now and working on getting teeth in ( we have been dealing with this for the last 2 mo at least!) but I can finally see a tooth so I hope it cuts through soon.

KAYLIE~ is our princess! She wants to wear dresses all the time!!! She got a 23 piece dress up set for Christmas and a 23 piece baby doll set that has a stroller, play pen, highchair etc. She loves them. She will be 4 in march, time flies too fast, it seems like yesterday she was the baby.

BOWDRIE~ Is doing well learning to read and write. He writes me love notes all the time =)He is such a sweet boy.He is a big help with Buddha (Hadley) he is so gentle and patient with him. he can put him to sleep 90% of the time.

LOUIS~ got his bobcat award in cub scouts and is working hard on his wolf badge. He loves scouts and wants to earn all the awards he can. He is a wonderful big brother.

ADAM~ is Adam =) lol what more can I say. He is a wonderful husband I couldn't ask for a better friend, partner, father to my children.